Sunday, 10 May 2020

A bit more work on the inner wing

As you may remember I took the inner wing back to bare metal and used some Deox Gel on some of the areas I could not get to.  In this post i'll bring you up to date.  In the last post you saw I had used a bit of the left over epoxy on the inner wing.

 Epoxy on Inner Wing piece

Scuffed up a bit with some scotchbrite.

 1st coat of some body colour I had left in a can.  This does not get seen and was not originally painted but I was curious how spray can would come out.

 Coat 2.

 Coat 3.  I think it looks good.

Onto the strut tower and inner wing itself.

 Deox C had done a pretty good job.

 Some Hydrate 80 for good measure.

Second Coat of Hydrate 80

Coated with  Electrox Zinc Primer

Moved onto some of the rest of the wing.  I have some corrossion / seized bolts to sort so I have not done everything as I will have to weld etc anyway.

A small area masked off and cleaned.

 Painted up.
 The rest of the inner wing done.  You can see the corroded areas still to fix.

Noticed some rust under some underseal.  Scraped it back until I saw fresh clean metal.

 Cleaned up
 Hydrate 80
 Zinc primar applied.  As I understand this primer protects best on bare metal rather than over Hydrate 80.  Still its what I had to hand.

Inner wing as it sits now.  I used some green over the wee bits I need to weld.  Need to learn how to do this first.  The bit at the bottom was crusty enough that I felt I did not need to identify it :)

Plans for in here is to sort out the welding then paint the lot in the epoxy paint.

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