Saturday, 19 March 2016

Engine bay dismantle

August 2015

General inspection and more bits to take off today.  I'll let the pics do the talking.

Tired looking leaky engine.  Looks like I will need some oil pipes.

New sump gasket required?

Gearbox - This will take some cleaning up.  Been quite impressed by vapour blasting results i've seen on some other threads.  Maybe that's the way to go.

Power Steering Pump.  A nice paint and this will look fine.

Battery Tray - Not looking too bad.  Surface rust only.

Alternator -  Looks like a "new" unit from Halfords.

Inlet Manifold.  More vapour blasting perhaps.  This will look great when cleaned.

Throttle Body.  Pretty clean on the inside.  I may have cleaned this in the past (can't remember).

Started taking bits off.

The inlet to the thermostat housing looks like its seen better days.

Inlet manifold off.

Oil Out.

Engine bay getting emptier.

Inner wing emptied of all but clips.

I then moved onto some of the electronics.
Scuttle panel where the ECU etc are.

Interestingly the blower motor was full of what looks like tissue.

The offending tissue.

Engine ECU and ABS ECU.

Engine ECU


Some corrosion on the ECU.

There should be a drain hole here.  I guess the blockage has meant the ECU has sat in water for some time and corroded the case.

Quite a productive session overall.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Front End Dismantle - Part 2

August 2015

Dismantling continues.

Front frame harness.  Disconnecting this lets me remove the slam panel.

Front passenger wing off for a look underneath.

Remains of bumper mounting bolt.  This will be fun the get out.

Rather crusty cage nuts.  I doubt any of these fasteners will come out easily.

Inner wing corrosion under paintwork.

This looks worse than it is.  Mostly surface rust - Sorry its blurry.

Actual wing itself is in excellent condition.

Front frame off.  Odd that it has space for two fans but only one fitted?  Must be an option for hot countries I guess.  Won't have that problem in Scotland.  

Managed to tear a fastener from the frame also.  Not sure of whether to repair or replace the frame.  They are on ebay for £30 often (but only the single fan version).

Radiator and front of car with slam panel gone.

First severe corrosion.  This member will need replaced.  Guess I will need to learn to weld then.

Frame rail entrance

Inside the frame rail.  Not sure what to do about this.  Any suggestions?  I thought about hoovering out and wire brushing followed by a cavity wax? 

Radiator Out.

Hole cleaned out.  Even worse than it initially looked.  Should be a straight forward repair though, assuming I can still get parts.

Radiator is passed its best.

Think I'll get a replacement.

Interesting choice of drain plug !!

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Front End Dismantle - Part 1

July/August 2015

So after the inspection I have decided to do a engine out front end refurb.  As you can see from the previous post the condition of the engine bay and front end is poor, and to get the finish I want I think the best course of action is to dismantle everything, refurb, repaint and rebuild.  This is definitely the most complex undertaking I have done on a car, so forgive me if I am a little slow with it.

Front Grill removed.

Removing fasteners from front slam panel.

Indicators Out

Next I wished to remove the bumper.  After a bit of research I figured out how it was to be done. 24 year old fasteners though are a bit of a challenge!!

I have to get a bolt out of this!!

The inevitable happened.  I snapped the fasteners - Doh!  I was trying to be very careful too!

Same on other side.

This will never come out without shearing it.

Getting somewhere.  Car is looking a bit sad...

Removing Headlights

Headlights out

Nearly there

And off - Finally.

Some extensive corrosion on the bumper stiffener.

That's all for today. :)